November 2016: Siri Elmegaard and colleague's article on a conscious component of diving responses in porpoises take the cover story of Current Biology

May 2016: Danuta Wisniewska's most recent research article is the topic in this Danish popular science article. Read it here

Jan 2016: Shane Gero's research is featured in this week's MacLean's Magazine

Oct 2015: Michael Ladegaard's newest paper on signal parameters of river dolphins is fatured in Journal of Experimental Biology's feature section INSIDE JEB

May 2015: Danuta Wisniewska's research is featured in this Danish popular science article. Read it here

March 2015:In the "News&Views" section of Nature the work by Christian Bech Christensen is put in a very interesting perspective by Jennifer A. Clack. Find it here

February 2015: Nature has a feature on the work by Christian Bech Christensen and coauthors. Find it here (full article requires university IP-address or money)

February 2015: Science has a feature on the newly published work by Christian Bech Christensen and coauthors. Look at it here

February 2015: Danish "University News" article on the recent work by Christian Bech Christensen and coworkers. Look at it here
November 2014: Radio broadcast: Peter T Madsen is featured in the Danish program "Natursyn" (tentative translation: natural views). Listen to the broadcast here

August 2014: TV program "Peter og hvalmysteriet" about Sperm whales and the challenge of putting a camera tag on them, broadcasted on danish DR1. Staring Peter T Madsen, lab members and Portuguese colleagues. Watch it here.
June 2014: Congrats to Mette! Mette Marie Busck has won the best presentation award at the OAK conference at the Danish Neuroscience Center entitled "The effect of chronic mild stress on pyramidal cell number in four subfields of the rat hippocampus – a stereology and MR spectroscopy study on the CMS model of depression".

February 2014: Peter T Madsen interviewed on danish TV DR2.
January 2014: We are pleased to welcome Shane Gero who will be a 2 year Post Doc on sperm whales acoustics and social behaviour, and have just been awarded a Sapere Aude award.

November 2013: New publication: Madsen et al. 2013: Nasal sound production in echolocating delphinids (Tursiops truncatus and Pseudorca crassidens) is dynamic, but unilateral: clicking on the right side and whistling on the left side

October 2013: New publication: Madsen et al. 2013: Detecting spring after a long winter: coma or slow vigilance in cold, hypoxic turtles?
July 2013: We are pleased to welcome Gitte McDonald who will be doing a 2 year Post Doc on field energetics and diving physiology of a small cetacean, the harbor porpoise.
June 2013: We are pleased to announce that on the 31st of May, 2013, Danuta Maria Wisniewska successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Toothed whale biosonar systems: Active sensor for spatial orientation and prey acquisition" with Drs. Lutz Wiegrebe and Whitlow W. L. Au as external examiners.
June 2013: New publication: Madsen et al. 2013: Echolocation in Blainville's beaked whales. Wilson et al. 2013: Ultrasonic predator-prey interactions in water
May 2013: New publication: Kyhn et al. 2013: Clicking in a killer whale habitat. Oliveira et al. 2013: The function of male sperm whale slow clicks in a high-latitude area
April 2013: New publication: Jensen et al. 2013: Clicking in Shallow Rivers
November 2012: TV program with Kristina Ydesen, Simone Videsen and Peter T Madsen on TV2 OJ. Watch it here
November 2012: New publication: Wisniewska et al. 2012: Acoustic gaze adjustments during active target selection in echolocating porpoises
October 2012: TV program with Jesper Madsen on TV2 OJ. Watch it here
May 2012: We are happy to announce that Peter has been appointed Adjunct Professor at the Dept. of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia. The appointment will strengthen the close collaboration between Aarhus University and Dr. Lars Bejders group at Murdoch: [Link]
December 2011: We are happy to announce that Maria Wilson and Frants Havmand Jensen both have received a Sapere Aude Young Elite Scientist postdoctoral grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research. [Link]
November 2011: We are pleased to announce that a close collaborator of the bioacoustics lab for many years, Dr. Mark Johnson, has been appointed Honorary Associate Professor at the department of Zoophysiology, Bioscience, Aarhus University. Mark has a PhD in electronic engineering from Auckland University, and has for the last 18 years been on the staff of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, spearheading development and cutting edge use of non-invasive tags for marine mammals.
July-August 2011: Peter Madsen doing fieldwork on sperm whales in the Azores, Portugal
May 2011: New publication: Madsen et al. 2011: Response to ‘Biosonar sources in odontocetes: considering structure and function’
April 2011: Frants Jensen defends his PhD: Acoustic behavior of bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales [ thesis ]
March 2011: Peter Madsen, Danuta Wisniewska and Frants Jensen presenting their work in the 4th International Science Symposium on Bio-logging
February 2011: New publication: Jensen et al.: Calling under pressure: short-finned pilot whales make social calls during deep foraging dives
January 2011: New publication: Wilson et al. 2011: Directional escape behavior in allis shad (Alosa alosa) exposed to ultrasonic clicks mimicking an approaching toothed whale
November 2010: New publication: Simon et al.: Singing behavior of fin whales in the Davis Strait with implications for mating, migration and foraging
November 2010: Peter Teglberg Madsen appointed Professor with special responsibilities (MSO) in Sensory Physiology at the Department of Biological Sciences, Aarhus University.
October 2010: New publication: Mooney et al.: Sound detection by the longfin squid (Loligo pealeii) studied with auditory evoked potentionals: Sensitivity to low-frequency particle motion and not pressure
October 2010: New publication: Johnson et al.: Evidence that sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) calves suckle through their mouth
September 2010: New publication: Clausen et al.: Click communication in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
September 2010: New publication: Christensen-Dalsgaard et al.: Hearing in the African lungfish (Protopterus annectens): preadaptation for pressure hearing in tetrapods?
September 2010: New publication: Madsen et al.: Single source sound production and dynamic beam formation in echolocating harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena).
August - September 2010: Frants Jensen doing fieldwork on long-finned pilot whales in the Alboran Sea, Spain.
July - August 2010: Peter Madsen, Danuta Wisniewska and Magnus Wahlberg doing fieldwork on sperm whales and beaked whales in the Azores, Portugal.
July 2010: New publication: Boye et al.: Habitat use of humpback whales in Godthaabsfjord, West Greenland, with implications for commercial exploitation.
May 2010: New publication: Kyhn et al.: Echolocation in sympatric Peale’s dolphins (Lagenorhynchus australis) and Commerson’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) producing narrow-band high-frequency clicks
March 2010: New publication: Simon et al.: Passive acoustic monitoring of bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoise, in Cardigan Bay, Wales, with implications for habitat use and partitioning
March 2010: New publication: Laidre et al.: Spatial associations between large baleen whales and their prey in West Greenland
February - March 2010: Peter Madsen on research visit to Professor John Montgomery's lab, University of Auckland.
February 2010: Frants Jensen doing fieldwork in Bangladesh.
January 2010: New publication: Deruiter et al.: Propagation of narrow-band-high-frequency clicks: Measured and modeled transmission loss of porpoise-like clicks in porpoise habitats
December 2009: New publication: Jensen et al.: Vessel noise effects on delphinid communication
December 2009: New publication: Johnson M., Aguilar Soto N. and Madsen P.T.: Studying the behavior and sensory ecology of marine mammals using acoustic recording tags: a review
Oktober 2009: New publication: Wilson et al.: Ultrasound detection in the Gulf menhaden requires gas-filled bullae and an intact lateral line
October 2009: Peter Madsen, Frants Jensen, Danuta Wisniewska and Karin Clausen are presenting their work at the 18th biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Quebec City, Canada
September 2009: New publication: Simon et al.: Behaviour and kinematics of continuous ram filtration in bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus)
September 2009: Peter Madsen, Magnus Wahlberg, Maria Wilson and Danuta Wisniewska are presenting their work at the 5th Animal Sonar Symposium in Kyoto, Japan

August 2009: Peter Madsen, Magnus Wahlberg, Kristian Beedholm, Maria Wilson and Frants Jensen help teach a phd course in Acoustic Communication in Kerteminde, Denmark